“Nobody can hurt me without my permission.”
Mr. Gagan Thakur

Mr. Gagan Thakur

Master of Yogic Science from Dr. Hari Singh Gour Central University, Sagar (M.P.) India.

First-Aid Training Certificate of Indian Red Cross Society

President Of Vivekanand Yoga & Naturopathy Wellness Society
Heading, Department Of Yogic Science (HOD) at Swami Vivekanand University
Yoga Trainer for Bollywood Artists
Yoga Trainer for Indian Army Personnel
Yoga Trainer for Indian National Cadet Core
Yoga Trainer for Home Guard (Force)

Yoga And Mental Health


Practicing yoga on a daily basis will improve your physical and mental development. yoga and mental health are so connected differant forms of yoga -hatha-yoga, naag-yoga, bhakti-yoga, kundilini-yoga and many more has thier own significance. Some of them helps to improve body posture and enhence confident, some yoga for stress management, reduced anxiety. Even chanting A..U..M is also has so many benifits just you need to pronounce correctly. A study says yoga practitioner has study mind, better focus and immense peace of mind.  Importance of yoga as a healthy method of physical and mental development, and its importance in controlling adrenal and other cortisol outflows.

There is a particularly high prevalence of yoga practice in the West, particularly among women, who, in many countries of the West, are gradually choosing Yoga as their religion of choice. They are looking for a spiritual community, a “spiritual life” and a form of health practice in their lives. Their lives revolve around the yoga of modern yoga and are nourished through it.

There are very few options for people living with Adrenal Insufficiency, as even the stress reduction method I describe in Yoga for Women dealing with adrenal stress and Cushing’s Syndrome is not readily accessible to them.
To prevent any confusion with the physiological effects of exercise (or physiotherapy), it is worth noting that depression is indeed a type of disease that is linked to a loss of energy and weakness.

That can also happen if you don’t get the right amount of exercise, or you don’t have the right intensity. It’s similar to an example used in muscle building.

If you are not getting the right intensity, or getting it on too easy, then you are not giving the correct amount of exercise; you are also not stimulating the muscle cells to grow.

In one study, researchers found that any sort of muscle injury also caused depression and the loss of energy.

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